Thursday, February 25, 2010

Red Celtic Necklace and Earring Set - $20.00 CDN

Red Celtic Necklace and Earring Set - $20.00 CDN

Tiger Eye Necklace and Earring Set - $20.00 CDN

Tiger Eye Necklace and Earring Set. $20.00 CDN

Rose Quartz Necklace and earring set - $ 20.00 CDN

Rose Quartz Necklace and earring set.
$20.00 CDN

Rose Quartz is known as the love stone.
It helps to feel a strong sense of self worth.
Gives inner peace and opens the heart to love.

Pendent - Sodalite Healing stone wrapped in silver wire - $15.00 CDN

      Pendent ( Only) - Sodalite Healing stone wrapped in silver colored wire.
      $15.00CDN                                                                                                                                                                                                             Sodalite:
Known for balancing body energy levels via thyroid,
pituitary, lymph, and other glands. Helps insomnia, as
well as neck, mouth, hearing, and blood sugar issues.
Suggested for balancing the metabolism.  This stone's
Latin name, sodanum is said to mean "a cure for headaches".


Dusty Rose beaded chain and earrings to match. $20.00 CDN

Dusty Rose beaded chain with earrings to match.
$20.00 CDN

Black accented necklace and earring set - $20.00 CDN

Flat black  glass bead necklace accented with shiny
black beads. Earrings to match .
$20.00 CDN

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sterling Silver Wrapped Howlite Pendent & Earing Set $30.00 CDN

$30.00 CDN  Sterling Silver Wrapped Howlite Pendent and Earing Set.

Howlite is the stone of expression. It gently absorbs and uplifts stress, tension anxiety and emotinal intensity due to emotional imbalance. Howlite brings greater gentleness, patience and tact. It also encourages ambition towards one's goals.

Black Pendent with matching chain and earings. $20.00 CDN

Black Pendent with matching chain and earings

accented in silver and clear beads. $20.00 CDN